They say that men have only a couple of things on their minds - and in most of the case it's absolutely true. There is not much difference between the caveman and the men of today who is dressed well and doesn't kill another man because he liked his woman, the thought factors remain the same – hungry, horny, sleepy.
Whether you can't stop thinking about that wonderful woman at work or your eyes keep being drawn to the gorgeous girl across the room, or the sexy looking girl in your neighbourhood who zoomed past you in her shining scooty, crush has become all-consuming. She is all that you can think about. And now you want to know: are you all that she can think about, too?
Contrary to the Misconceptions, luckily girls are easier to read than many men believe.
Much like us guys, if a babe is into someone she will want him to know about it. After all, if he never notices her interest, she'll never experience that thunderous current passing through her head to toes when he looks at her in that special way or get that delicious first kiss.
The trouble is that, just like us, girls are scared of making fools of them. She would love to tell you she likes you but she's scared of misreading your signals and having you laugh on her face. As a result, she is shy about her clues, the signs are all there, but you do have to learn to look out for them. No rocket science required, just think what you would do if you were in her place or what would you have suggested to a very close female friend of yours who has fallen for a guy
So how can you tell if she likes you?
Let's start with the basics. These are the signals that every girl gives out, regardless of whether you work together or you've caught her eye across a crowded place or you happen to see her drying clothes on the opposite terrace or you end up buying the grocery from the same Reliance Fresh.
Is she looking at you and smiling? There's no better sign. Confident girls may maintain eye contact, but most will glance quickly away the moment you notice them watching you. Check to see if she keeps looking back your way - if she can't keep her eyes off you, you know that she's interested.
Watch for flirtatious body language. Most common syndrome:many girls fiddle with their hair when they're attracted. Some will start stroking their own arm, neck or face distractedly, while shy girls will blush whenever you look their way or start checking the time in her watch more often or start searching for something in their bag or pretend to read a message in her mobile or starts dialling a number. You can see that flurry of activities in the otherwise calm steady normal activities of her.
Now, the most important segment, let's make conversation with her, This is where guys makes complete ass of themselves. Following her every day when she returns home with a 10 feet distance or crossing her house or work station 10 times a day to get a glimpse won't improve the situation. You have to find ways to talk to her.
If your crush is on a girl you know or work with or is a neighbour, you have enough reasons to believe this complicates matters. Nobody wants to be rejected by someone they have to see or speak to on a daily basis. In fact, fancying someone you're friendly with puts you in a great position; you will already have proven to her that you're a good guy, and your close contact gives you plenty of opportunities to figure out if she's interested in you.
With the words starting to flow, she will look for excuses to get closer to you or touch your hand or your arm. Making physical contact with you is a sure sign of her interest. An assertive chick wants your attention she will become loud and start laughing at even the stupidest of your jokes, quieter girls may stammer or stumble when trying to speak to you.
Does she ever text or email you just to say hello? If you initiate contact, are her responses fast and chatty? Girls love to flirt via messaging, so don't act pricy or behave like a complete asshole; always give a prompt and positive reply. When chicks are into you, they will do almost anything to get your attention. If she's making jokes at your expense, she really wants you to notice her. Alternatively, if a normally shy or well mannered girl starts making loud or cocky sexual references she is trying to turn you on.
Arrange a group gathering. Invite your mutual friends or workmates to a movie or a lunch and try to gauge how eager she is to join you. A girl who cancels her important plans to be around you is keen to know you better, while one who seems genuinely regretful about missing out would love to get you alone.
And most important, never go and get advices from hopeless assholes who never had a girlfriend or has ever made an attempt to get one. Don't hit on your good friends sisters and if you are really not sure stay away from the good looking neighbour too.
How to get a Girl you like : for starters
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